Cub Scout Pack 405 was chartered to the Jarrettown Parent and Teachers Association on May 21, 1947 by the Boy Scouts of America.
The unit met at 7:30 p.m. in the old Jarrettown Public School No. 1 (at Limekiln Pike and Mundock Road, now a private day care) on the 4th Wednesday of each month, and was part of the George Washington District in the Valley Forge Council.
Mr. Van den Beemt was the first Cubmaster, and Mr. Ruch was the Assistant Cubmaster. Mrs. Will, Miss Birchler, Mrs. Yoder and Mrs. Curtis served as Den Mothers. There were ten Scouts, all 9-11 years of age: Frank B., John C., Frank G., John, Herbert, Edwin, William, Wendell, Donald and Charles.
While the present Jarrettown Elementary School was being built in the mid-1950s, Cub Scout Pack 405 met at Jarrettown Methodist Church on Limekiln Pike.
While we don’t know exactly how many Cub Scouts (and their families) have been a part of Pack 405 since 1947, we conservatively estimate that number to be well over 750.
We thank all of those who have come before us, and thank all of the leaders and volunteers currently working to make Cub Scout Pack 405 the best unit that it can be for the Scouts and families of Upper Dublin.
Here’s to another 75 years!